Manish Shrestha - President
Inspired by the philosophy of Lord Buddha, PBCW Child is a charitable organization that was found and registered in the year 2007 in Kathmandu, Nepal. We support and assist children who are in need of food, shelter, education, medical care, emotional and moral support. Such orphaned, abandoned, scheduled and socially disadvantaged children need your help and support.
“Let’s join hands together…….. Your help make difference”

Gerard Nerenhausen - Founder
In 2007, together with some friends, we decided to open a school for children from very needy families from the surroundings of Melamchi, a poor place in Nepal, with increasing problems of malnourishment. The education of future generations is the most effective solution to future development. We want to give the children the possibility to live an active life in accordance with their choice and enable them to develop their local communities.
Pushkar Shrestha - Treasurer/Project Coordinator
PBCW Child is a non- profitable and non- government organization,with the aim of supporting the poor children of rural areas where the government has been unable to reach and even non- government agencies are not represented. PBCW Child is dedicated to assuring a bright future to Nepalese children currently living under even poorer socio-economic conditions than others. Children from various remote parts of Nepal share this home as their pathway to a new life with help of people from different countries of world.